The Career Anchors of Edgar Schein

Schein’s Career Anchors orientation list stimulates you to analyse fields of competencies, drives and values. The questionnaire is meant as a trigger to open your mind for the Career Anchor Interview.
The interview tracks down patterns and hinges on your career path and evaluates choices made or to be made. It maps successes and pitfalls and x-rays the decision-making process in making choices. In the end your final career anchor can be determined which offers again opportunities to set clear goals or to create chances for maximizing career skills. You will be especially trained in spotting critical factors of success and minimize choices that aren’t you.
You design a Personal Career Plan that focuses on the increase of career skills and choices. You find out how to think and act as much as possible from the comfortzone platform to set clear goals where you want your career to go to and develop a sharp view of how to get there. Throughout the process you are stimulated to present yourself as remarkable and thus attractive for your company. And last but not least, you will be able to manage a work-life balance that fits you.

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